Article name Galileo Galilei: Truth through Telescope Lenses (Commemorating the 450th Anniversary of the Birth of Galileo Galilei and the 405thAnniversary of Telescopic Astronomy Era)
Authors Serebryakova S.S. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Article type
Annotation The article presents the main stages in life and activity of the prominent Italian scientist Galileo Galilei, his scientific achievements in the fields of mechanics and creation of natural science cognition method, meaning of his creative work for the development of science and culture on the whole. The results of Galileo’s telescopic observations (mountains on the Moon, Jupiter’s satellites, spots on the Sun, phases of Venus) made in 1609–1610drastically changed the existing views on the world structure and advocated Nicolas Copernicus’s heliocentric system. Galileo Galilei is really considered to be the initiator of natural experimental studies. He believed that science has to rely only on experiment as a source and the main criterion of scientific knowledge validity. Having introduced the experiment and mathematization of theoretic knowledge, Galilei laid the foundations for the new ideas about motion. The scientist disproved that the terminal velocity of a falling object was proportional to its weight, discovered the law of motion of falling bodies, revealed the property of bodies to keep their velocity, formulated the principle of relativity, and established that action was the reason for change in velocity of the body motion, etc.
Key words Galileo Galilei, telescopic observations, heliocentric world system, mechanical motion, scientific method.
Article information
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Full articleGalileo Galilei: Truth through Telescope Lenses (Commemorating the 450th Anniversary of the Birth of Galileo Galilei and the 405thAnniversary of Telescopic Astronomy Era)