Article name The Employment Problem of Higher Educational Institutions Graduates (on the Example of FSBEI HPE «Transbaikal State University»)
Authors Karmanova O.A. Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, karmanova_oa@
Kunitsina L.P. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.334.22
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to research of the factors influencing the situation on the labor market of higher educational institutionsgraduates. The base of the article is a sociological analysis of the statistical data obtained in 2013, as a result of a survey of students, FSEI HPE «Zabaikalsky Department of sociology of the University in 2010–2011 In the articlethere is an analysis of the main problems arising in the process of adaptation of graduates on the labor market: the lack of jobs, a mismatch of labor market needs and orientations of the system of professional training, difficulties in gaining experience on a speciality, expectations of young specialists in labor conditions, peculiarities of work motivation of youth and other Analysis of the obtained data shows that comprehensive solution of the problem of employment of graduates lies in the dynamic economic development of Zabaikalsky Krai. The lack of problems with employment specialists developing economic spheres is proved. Another radical solution of the problem of employment of higher educational institutionsgraduates, is the imbalance of the directions of training in the higher education system, not matching of labor market needs and professional priorities established in the public opinion of inhabitants. The third condition for solving the problem of young specialists’ employment is to increase the efficiency of the whole system of professional orientation, which includes professional counseling, career guidance in schools, organization of industrial practice of students, establishment of strong ties of educational institutions, enterprises and organizations of the region, the expansion of opportunities of students’ secondary employment and other These measures, in turn, suggest the need for permanent monitoring of the situation on the labor market, the study of professional orientation of the youth, peculiarities of public opinion, etc. of issues within the field of sociology.
Key words employment, labor market, labor motivation, values, professional adaptation, professional socialization, Humanities, technical professions, mining specialty, economic characteristics, the process of socialization, integration of the society.
Article information
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Full articleThe Employment Problem of Higher Educational Institutions Graduates (on the Example of FSBEI HPE «Transbaikal State University»)