Article name Functioning of Non-Profit Organizations as a Recourse to Provide Social Security in the Regions of Russia
Authors Maksimova S.G. Doctor of Sociology, Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.422
Article type
Annotation There is an analysis of the formation and development of the sub-sector of non-profit organizations that play an important role in social development in terms of ensuring social security in the modern region of Russia. Sociological research was conducted in the Altai Region in 2013. Expert survey was conducted among representatives of legislative, executive, local authorities, representatives of public organizations, scientific and educational community. The article shows the actualization of modern society social problems, the decision should be directed activities of the nonprofit sector in Russia. Some of the common threats to social security in Russia, according to experts involved in the research, are the decline in living of the general population, low level of industrial development in acute need of modernization, reducing the quality and accessibility of educational institutions, medicine, culture and, consequently, their socializing influence demographic trends (high mortality, reduced life expectancy, out-migration of the young and able-bodied population, increasing the share of old people), the shortcomings of the social management system at all levels of power control, low economic activity of the population and the lack of appropriate mechanisms for their promotion. In this context, the characteristics of NCOs that enhance the quality of life; creating conditions for social development; developing and implementing mechanisms and forms of public participation in the formulation and implementation of social policy are considered.
Key words non-profit organizations, social security, transformation, regional societies, reproduction of a deviation.
Article information
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