Article |
Article name |
The Main Types of the Natural Resources Usage in the Far Eastern Part of the Amur Region of Russia |
Authors |
Moshkov A.V. Doctor of Geography, Leading Researcher, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
33:91 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The Amur region of Russia is a territory with unique natural resources and industrial potential,
where effective use is possible due to its favorable economic and geographical position in rapidly
growing Asia-Pacific region of the world. The main demographic potential of the Russian Far East is
located here. Over the period of economic mastering of the Amur region territory the various types
of natural resources use have been developed like forest management, agricultural land use, water management, mining, transportation, residential, nature conservation, recreational one, etc. Effectiveness
of these types of nature management depends on the uniqueness of the exploited natural
resources and a stable demand for its products in the domestic and world markets.
At the same time, effective sustainable nature management in the region is understood as establishment
of such a type of interrelationship between population and economy of the region with
its natural resources and environment when a sufficient natural-resource potential of the region
and high quality of its environment are maintained for a long time. Development of the criteria for
the optimal resources use is the most important link to rationalization of the industrial and natural
relations. First of all, it should be noted that the criteria are defined by the policy of natural resources
use. The article presents the results of quantitative evaluation of rationality of natural resources
use both in the whole Far Eastern part of the Amur region, and in separate federal administrative
units of the Far Eastern Federal Region and economic centers. Rationality of the natural resources
use can be improved not only by increasing the yield of commercial products and minimizing the
costs in all three aspects of the resource use, but also through the balanced development of industrial
activity and protection of the natural environment in the region. The most rational types
of the nature management in the Amur region, taking into account the existing natural resources,
demographic and economic development potentials, have been defined.
Key words |
Amur region, sustainable use of natural resources, rationalization of industrial
and natural relations, natural resource and economic potential, criteria for nature management
rationalization, types of nature management. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Main Types of the Natural Resources Usage in the Far Eastern Part of the Amur Region of Russia |