Article name Regional Structure of Pedagogical Training on the Bachelor Programs at Russian Universities
Authors Nachkin A.I. Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate professor,
Zarubin V.G. Doctor of Sociology, Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 329.63
Article type
Annotation The article reveals the trends of modernization of state and non-state higher professional education in the Russian Federation. Research has shown that teacher-training is practiced by federal and national universities, various sectoral and regional universities, academies and institutes. Training of teachers on educational bachelor programs at the courses: 050100 Pedagogical Education, 050400 Psycho-pedagogical education, 050700 Special (defectological) education, 051000 Vocational training is performed at 228 state universities inthe Russian Federation. The educational activities of state and not-state universities are analyzed. Conclusion, that market of pedagogical work was formed, is based on comparative analysis of regional structure of educational institutions and training areas under the bachelor programs on the territory of 8 federal districts. Pedagogical universities and institutions face to intense competition from state and not-state educational institutions. Market of pedagogical work – is a system of socio-economic and juridical relations in society, norms and institutions to ensure normal ongoing process of reproduction of labor power and the efficient use of labor in th e field of education. Keywords: sociology, market of pedagogical work, higher pedagogical education, federal districts, educational program.
Key words
Article information
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Full articleRegional Structure of Pedagogical Training on the Bachelor Programs at Russian Universities