Article |
Article name |
The Conception of Fractal Geographical Trichotomy: Classification Issues of Research Directions and Subjects |
Authors |
Novikov A.N. Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
911.3 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Trinitarian fractality is considered as a methodological instrument of classification of geographical
sciences and subjects of humanitarian-geographical research, which are based on the
micro-structured level. Fractal trinitarian view reveals the relationship between certain geographical
areas showing how the science of geography works, mining, processing and implementing
geographic knowledge into practice and education. The place of constructive geography in the
system of geographical sciences is determined; the constrictive geography, having become the
recognized scientific conception, is not reflected in the official qualifiers, divided into different
areas. The multilevel trichotomy (trinitarian self-similarity or fractality) of humanitarian and geographical research subjects is displayed. It expressed in the combination at different geographical
levels (planetary, regional, local) point, line and area subjects. An assessment of the classical
theory of central places by V. Kristaller and modern theory of the economy territorial structures
by P.Ya.Baklanov from the fractal trinitarian position is made. The ideal model by V. Kristaller representing
the settlement system in the form of hexagonal cells, forming lattices, is the evidence
of fractality. Fractals are hexagons of different settlement system levels. Each layer is formed by
the points (settlements), lines (roads) which with the downward transition to a new level form the
areal theme. P.Ya. Baklanov’s view on the elementary structure of the economy, based on the
micro-structural level as a double layer formation, does not contradict the Trinitarian Philosophy
of fractality, as the marked layers form the combination of point-linear and linear-areal themes.
The mentioned bilayer demonstrates the self-similarity at the different scale levels. The trinitarian
geographic fractality of trans-border territories is suggested.
Key words |
humanitarian geography, science studies/research, geographical coverage of
economy, trinitarism, trichotomy, fractality, philosophical and geographical research. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Conception of Fractal Geographical Trichotomy: Classification Issues of Research Directions and Subjects |