Article name Religious Aspects of Confucianismin Sociopolitical Context of Traditional Chinese Society
Authors Yangutov L.E. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 221.7
Article type
Annotation The huge significance of Confucianism in the socio-cultural and political life of traditional Chinese society was mainly caused by the fact that it managed the universal moral values to be protected and preserved in the emerging statehood of China. But the success of Confucius would not be so impressive if he had not relied on the religious values of traditional society by and through which his teaching was given the sacred character and he himself was acquired the status of the Saintperson. The article analyzes the religious component of Confucian teaching, discusses their role in the political, social and ethical doctrines of Confucius and his followers. As a result of Confucianism in the article is characterized as a doctrine, which is a social, ethical and political doctrine that has pronounced religious ritual, religious and psychological attributes that should be considered as an additional means of influence of Confucian principles and norms of the social and political reality of Chinese society. Religious paraphernalia attached sacred status of Confucian scholars, strengthened its importance in traditional Chinese society.
Key words philosophy, religion, ethics, politics, ideology, ritual, society.
Article information
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