Article name Transbaikalian Text in the Russian Culture
Authors Kamedina L.V. Doctor of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 71.05
Article type
Annotation The article raises the question of Transbaikalian text creation as a text of the Russian culture. The authoridentifies important accents of Transbaikalian text and methods of its linguistic coding. Space and time of Transbaikalian text are presented in a poetic cultural picture of the world of Transbaikalian writers, scholars and publicists. In different genres they create open text in the local verbal culture, which can never be completed because it correlated with other Transbaikalian worlds involved in this world. Local text of Transbaikalia accumulates spiritual meanings of Transbaikalian, Russian, global structural-semantic field and generates a cultural model of Transbaikalian text as a «marginal land», «deep Asia», the mirror of the global landscape. Transbaikalia throughthe cultural signs, myth-poetics and geo-poetics of literature is turned into the symbol of the Russian cultural life for the world. Transbaikalia with its language, codes, meanings, spaces comes into cultural human life and becomes a structurally-semantic form. Existential relations are developed between man and space. Mastering the place, person transforms it based on the standards of his language and culture, symbolically organizes place, and attaches the mute landscape to culture. This article does not pretend to exhaustion of the theme of Transbaikalian text in the Russian culture, but it is an attempt to raise the question of such a text creation.
Key words Transbaikalian text, signs of culture, semiotic codes, myth-poetics, geo-poetics, mirror of the world.
Article information
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