Article name Cultural Specifics of Children’s Buryat Folklore
Authors Manzarkhanova L.V. Teacher,
Bibliographic description
UDK 008:398
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the specifics of children’s folklore, which represents extensive part of traditional Buryat culture. Children’s folklore is considered in a foreshortening of cultural knowledge on the basis of the general theory of folklore, language features etc. The traditional culture is the elaborate system having versatile, structural educations, which acts as a basic reference point in research of children’s folklore. The author emphasizes the parameters of research of cultural specifics of the Buryat folklore, which displays at each stage of the child’s development, especially in primary genres of children’s folklore. In particular, lullabies in the earliest infantile period acquaint a child with the world, then childish games of Buryats form collective skills of social and individual creativity, the Buryat fairy tales are a development tool of moral and ethical bases of the Buryat culture. Nowadays in modern Buryat culture children’s folklore practically is not used. At the same time processes of revival of children’s folklore genres are observed, for example, in an education system where the folklore heritage reflecting specifics of children’s Buryat folklore is used.
Key words cultural specifics, children’s folklore, children’s Buryat folklore, Buryat lullabies, childish Buryat games, Buryat fairy tales.
Article information
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Full articleCultural Specifics of Children’s Buryat Folklore