Article |
Article name |
Synergetic Model of Culture |
Authors |
Sanzheeva L.V. Doctor of Culturology, Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
008 |
Article type |
Annotation |
In article the analysis of synergetic model of culture is carried out. The ontology of sense of
life and semantic interrelations of subject and subject and object elements of culture as systems
are considered. Need of designing of culture model, for identification of synergetic mechanisms of
fluctuations and transformations of multipurpose systems of the person, society and the nature is
proved. The synergetic model of culture, its design, structural forms, and levels in complete system
of life is rather complex theoretical problem in the knowledge, applying for a meta-scientific form of
knowledge. The culture forms ideas, meanings and the values creating reference points of activity
of the person and society, the models which were reflected in a design. The model is the design of
the culture representing structure of interconnected elements, functionally dependent, created in the
course of activity of the person and society. The synergetic provides mechanisms of development
of culture model. The synergetic model of culture is capable to unite all systems of life in a uniform
design. On the basis of the carried-out analysis the following concept of synergetic model of culture
is offered. The synergetic model of culture is a design, with a complex of the unstable structural
elements providing interaction of meanings of person’s life, society and the nature in the course of
activity. The design of synergetic model of culture creates the sphere of life of the person, connected
with natural, social, historical and other factors of development; its construction will give the chance
to reveal properties of culture and functioning in diachronic and synchronic dynamics.
Key words |
system, culture model, model, sense, ontology, synergetic, synergetic model of
culture. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Synergetic Model of Culture |