Article name To the Issue of Interaction of Minority and Khan Ethnic in the Ethno-Cultural Space of the Western Region of China
Authors Solovyeva N.A. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
UDK 39 (510)
Article type
Annotation The article investigates the development program of large West (Go West) and its impact on the process of assimilation of national minorities Han. The author focuses on the transformation of the elements of ethnic minority cultures within the economic transformation program «Go West». In addition, the article raises questions of an ethnic nature, which are extremely important in today’s China. Importance in the study is focused on three areas: the relationship of national minorities with each other, relations between the government and ethnic minorities, the relationship with the Han ethnic minorities. Each of these areas has certain characteristics of an ethnic nature. Indigenous people’s relationships with each other, are characterized differently from peaceful coexistence to armed clashes. As for the government of the PRC, it is on an official level with the help of the program of development of large population of the West is interested to consolidate and maintain the integrity of the Chinese state. Relationships between Han and minorities are based on the principle of “indivisibility” and “mutual co-existence”. The author concludes that with the help of large program of development of the West, the Chinese Government accelerates the assimilation of national minorities Han, achieving thus ethnic homogeneity in China. In addition, the economic transformation in the Western areas contribute to the quality of life of ethnic minorities, improving transport networks, opening manufacturing factories and increase the number of jobs that are essential for national minorities. At the heart of the program there is the development of large West unwavering belief in the power of economic modernization, which will reduce the level of regional differentiation.
Key words assimilation, ethnic minorities, ethnic culture, large program of development of the West, traditional culture.
Article information
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Full articleTo the Issue of Interaction of Minority and Khan Ethnic in the Ethno-Cultural Space of the Western Region of China