Article |
Article name |
Ideas of Meta-Objectiveness in the History of Pedagogics |
Authors |
Dylgyrova, , () R.D. Teacher, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Met hodology of Pedagogy |
37.013 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article discusses the requirements for human life in post-industrial society, and, therefore,
education as a social institution. It is emphasized that modern education should meet the objectives
of advancing development; to ensure the new requirements of the standard to the results of students
that actualizes the problem of meta-objective approach. The author traced presentation of domestic
and foreign scientists on the formation of a coherent picture of the world as educational outcome.
These ideas become a precondition for the emergence of meta-objective approach. The article reveals
the meaning of the word “meta”, the essence of meta-objectiveness as a principle of integration
of educational content, a method of forming universal ways of activity, development of person’s
abilities and as an indicator of the output of the thinking of human activities on the level of reflection. The trend of meta-objective approach is revealed towards overcoming costs of subject education,
mono-disciplinary visions, and towards forming of integral perception on the basics of single connecting
element. The significance of meta-objective approach is in the transition from the contents
of education in the form of objective knowledge and skills to the same comprehended as a message
and techniques of thinking, activities and finally, with holistic knowledge of the world, values, experience
of previous generations.
Key words |
meta-objectiveness, meta-objective approach, educational outcomes, universal
ways of working, meta-object. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Ideas of Meta-Objectiveness in the History of Pedagogics |