Article |
Article name |
Object-Ontological Scheme of Pedagogical Activity: Retrospective Analysis |
Authors |
Snopkova E.I. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Met hodology of Pedagogy |
37.012 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article presents the results of research of ontological teaching activities. Ontological schemes
act as element-structural view of the content category of activity and they are means of broadcasting
and synthesis of knowledge from different subject areas. They can be deployed in explanatory ones,
but in this article there is a task to analyze the nature of knowledge and the structure of activity, and
its attributive and functional characteristics, examining pedagogical activity as an ideal system object.
Problems of systemic and synthetic studies are arisen when the object of the study is recorded
in different subject projections and described in different models of scientific knowledge. Pedagogical
activity, living according to its natural laws, can be explained and described in the natural science
language of evidence type of rationality. If the subject of acts is axiology of educational activity, and
the nature of the cognitive process is determined by poly-paradigmatic type of modern human rationality.
Activity as a project designing subject specifies a projection of technological type of scientific
rationality, the basic principle of which is not the truth, but the true feasibility.
Retrospective analysis of activity ontological schemes creates the basis for fixing of possible objects
of pedagogical activity study and the sequence of their consideration in the hierarchy of system
representations based on the natural sciences, humanities and technology types of scientific rationality.
Key words |
activity, educational activity, synthesis of knowledge, pedagogy methodology, ontological
activities schemes. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Object-Ontological Scheme of Pedagogical Activity: Retrospective Analysis |