Article name Humanization of Pedagogical Support for the Self-Actualization of the Gifted Child’s Personality
Authors Ukolova E.I. Musical Teacher,
Bibliographic description
Section Met hodology of Pedagogy
UDK 373
Article type
Annotation The article considers the issues on self-actualization of gifted child’s personality in preschool educational system. The author determines that the priority of pedagogy is creating favorable environment for the creative self-realization of gifted child’s personality. It is noted that humanistic psychology recognizes the child’s personality as a whole system, which is open to possibilities of self-actualization, aspiring to the future development. The author touches the question on opportunities of personality’s self-actualization through the humanistic measurement parameters of a teacher. The essence, content and function of the gifted children education are highlighted. It was noted that differential approach based on specially designed programs is one of the leading ways to child’s individualization. The meaning of education should be based on the material that sets the atmosphere of creative search helping a gifted child to understand the life meaning. The structure of musical talent is analyzes as a multilevel system of musical abilities and general individual psychological characteristics. Development of all abilities requires individual approach to musically gifted children of preschool age, to their aptitudes and interests. The author emphasizes the role of subjects interaction of the pedagogical process of gifted child’s personality self-actualization. The article presents the experience of pedagogical support for musically gifted preschool children within preschool educational institution.
Key words education humanization, person’s self-actualization, talent, musical aptitude, musical talent, ability for music, music activity.
Article information
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Full articleHumanization of Pedagogical Support for the Self-Actualization of the Gifted Child’s Personality