Article |
Article name |
On Scientific Apparatus of Thesis on Pedagogy |
Authors |
Yakimov O.V. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, olegyakimov65@mail.ruMolonov G.T. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Met hodology of Pedagogy |
378.245.2 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article describes the basic requirements for candidate and doctoral dissertations, the basic
concepts of the dissertation research. The authors on the example of their own candidate dissertation
consider the basic requirements for pedagogical research, logic underlying the research. This article
discusses prerequisites, conditions, factors and reasons why you need to put forward, to justify and
introduce the idea of pedagogical support in the vocational schools, prove the necessity of leadership
and translating scientific ideas and theories in the practical work of the college. Interpretation of the
methods of scientific research, which are used in the thesis. It also discusses the socio-pedagogical
ideas, theories and systems that were starting and transformed into separate blocks, consistent part of the work. The first chapter of the thesis is devoted to the presentation, disclosure, disclosure
and justification of object-subject area or areas in which the thesis research will be carried out. The
second chapter theoretically, methodologically and empirically substantiates the object and subject
of study claiming legitimacy of dissertation research on the topic of the dissertation. The third chapter
introduces the concept of the author’s research, and the fourth – shows its implementation in the
“Polytechnic College” involving materials from secondary vocational education institutions of Buryatia
and separate facts from other regions. The main idea of the study – the transition from teacher to
teacher collaboration support – a commitment to excellence, the better, the ideal in order to achieve
better results. Rationale and development of pedagogical support oriented, introduced and implemented
in order to obtain the effect of the work on the management of technical school, in the work
of teachers in the teaching of students.
Key words |
dissertation, research, educational support, professional educational organization,
Polytechnic College. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | On Scientific Apparatus of Thesis on Pedagogy |