Article name Values of Parenting in the Young People’s Lifestyle
Authors Isakov A.V. Teacher,
Bibliographic description
Section Pedagogics of Professional Education
UDK 316.36
Article type
Annotation This article is dedicated to the concept of “parenting”, and its place in the system of young people’s values. That parenthood as a complex phenomenon is interpreted in various disciplines in different ways and it is noted in this article. Today, the study of the search facilities on parenting youth is relevant and in demand area of research. Adolescence is a development period where the process of becoming selfawareness, the development of values, the formation of concepts, personal items, individual preferences are the most active processes and which become significant landmarks in the human living space. To increase the influence of the family in society and education of young people in a spirit of respect for family values it is necessary to recognize the place of the value of parenthood in the young people’s minds. Therefore, in the circumstances of family transforming, the division of the institutions of marriage and parenthood, and the study of the latest in the modern world is particularly important. The currently observed transitions from collective forms of up-bringing, to family ones increase parents’ stress and responsibilities. The present generation of parents needs to improve their understanding of personal educational role and meanings of conscious parenting, because in modern life they are involved into the contact with unknown before negative factors of economic, social, environmental and other nature, and their overcoming requires increasing of parental understanding.
Key words parenthood, young people, motherhood, fatherhood, studying, family values.
Article information
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