Article |
Article name |
Peculiarities of Social Adaptation of the First-Year Students of Secondary Professional Education in Extracurricular Activities |
Authors |
Menshov I.V. Postgraduate Student, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Pedagogics of Professional Education |
З64.444 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article describes age and psychological characteristics of college age, affecting the process
of students’ social adaptation in the extracurricular activities. The author highlights aspects of students’
social adaptation. The social and psychological adaptation is considered as an important indicator
of students’ social adaptation in a group. The evaluation criteria of this adaptation are: the absence
of conflict behavior, satisfaction with communication with fellow students, as well as low or moderate
level of emo-tional state. The role of communication as one of the leading activities of students and
its importance in the process of social adaptation, as well as the importance of building self-esteem
and self-assertion in the student socially approved collective activities. The definition of adaptive
abilities of the students is clarified and it is determined that one of the conditions of their development
is the creation of students’ health culture, the ability to build effective interpersonal relationships. It
was revealed that for the solution of problems of social adaptation of students in the extracurricular
activities it is necessary to organize and conduct activities aimed at creating health culture, which is
the core of healthy lifestyle, creating conditions for the development of mechanisms for reflection and
self-esteem, as well as the creation of favorable psychological climate in student group.
Key words |
social adaptation of students, socio-psychological adaptation, maladjustment,
adaptive capacity, health culture. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Peculiarities of Social Adaptation of the First-Year Students of Secondary Professional Education in Extracurricular Activities |