Article name Formation of Military Service Values in Modern Conditions
Authors Suslin R.A. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Pedagogics of Professional Education
UDK 37
Article type
Annotation This article considers the problem of the formation of military man’s value systems in a sharp contradiction between the influence of the military environment and the environment where the soldier spends his spare time – everyday environment. The author conducts a brief analysis of educational methods used by the Russian teachers. The author selected and offered the most effective methods and techniques, which impact on the emotional and volitional consciousness of military man to form his values and are necessary for the successful implementation of operational service missions. Value orientations of military man are formed under the influence of three points: “before Army”, military, and domestic. The impact on the soldier everyday environment makes the basic contradiction in harmony of military training environment. There is a conclusion about the necessity to differentiate distribution of methods and techniques of education in living environment. The author gives some advice on practical implementation of education methods and techniques. The prospective direction of officer’s teaching activities as a synergy of behaviorist theory methods and the principle of “parallel pedagogical action” by A. S. Makarenko are defined in the article.
Key words behaviorist theory, education methods, methods, needs, motives, practical aspect, the environment, activities, values.
Article information
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Full articleFormation of Military Service Values in Modern Conditions