Article name Peculiarities of Prostitute Image of Teenager
Authors Sitnikov V.L. Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Elena A.E. Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Bondarenko L.A. Senior Teacher,
Bibliographic description
Section General Psychology, Personality Psychology
UDK 159.9
Article type
Annotation The research of problem of the image is of great importance both for the development of a General theory of psychology, and for solving many practical tasks that are put before psychology. Images of self-consciousness, as the images of the surrounding world are necessary basis of self-regulation of man’s work and his interaction with others. In the article the peculiarities of the formation of images in adolescence, the functions of social-perceptual images were considered. The peculiarities of minors’ views on such social phenomenon as prostitution were studied. The psychological aspects of prostitution, in particular, causes and characteristics of child prostitution were considered. The research, where girls from secondary schools, boarding schools and vocational schools took part, identified certain patterns of representation of 15–17 years old girls of prostitute’ personality. So, schoolgirls in the description of the image of prostitutes more often than other respondents used the set of positive qualities or character; the students of vocational schools in the description of the image of prostitutes often resorted to the list of social roles, appearance, personal qualities and character traits; girls from boarding school, presenting the image of prostitutes, described her through certain social roles, appearance, hobbies, experience, skills. It is established that the image of the prostitute in the eyes of youth loses its moral and social negativity, and prostitution ceases to be perceived by young people as immoral phenomenon and a form of social deviation. It was noted the necessity for more detailed studying of socio-psychological representation of juvenile about prostitution for further developing of psychological programs aimed at preventing the involvement of children into prostitution.
Key words identity, image, prostitution, child prostitution, psychological concept.
Article information
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