Article name Nature, Content, Psychological Mechanisms and Effects of Personality’s Ethnic Socialization
Authors Dagbayeva S.B. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Social and Educational Psychology
UDK 159.922.7
Article type
Annotation The article presents the results of theoretical investigation of the ethnic socialization. Ethnic socialization is understood as a dynamic, full of meaningful integration of the individual in the multiethnic society. Contents of ethnic socialization are seen through subjective, institutional, objective and procedural components. The subjective component is represented by agents of socialization. The institutional component includes institutions of socialization. Considering the objective component, the ethnic socialization appears as the translation process of ethnic culture. In the analysis of the procedural components, the ethnic socialization is interpreted as a natural process of passage of universal bulk phase: adaptation, personalization and integration in multiethnic society. Adaptation means the preferential assimilation of ethnic and cultural experiences on the basis of the criterion of attribution of an individual to a particular ethnic group. Personalization means the appearance of the active position, the isolation of the individual, the awareness of its uniqueness, characterized by the reproduction of experience in custom forms. Integration means achieving a balance between the tool and the isolation, characterized by the construction of ethnic ideology. Among the psychological mechanisms of socialization of ethnic identification the author distinguished isolation. It is noted that the identification of the mechanism of assignment promotes development of ethnic identity and tolerance. Isolation as a mechanism of individualization forms the person’s inner position, his value orientation. As the psychological effects of ethnic socialization, which are understood as evidence that the extent and depth of development and adoption of individual norms, values and roles the author specified the value orientation, ethnic identity and tolerance.
Key words ethnic socialization, nature, content, mechanisms, psychological effects, personality.
Article information
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