Article name The Influence of Time Perspective on the Professional Self-Development of Future Teachers
Authors Vinogradova N.I. Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Lesnyanskaya Z.A. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Social and Educational Psychology
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The article considers a problem of professional self-development of preservice teachers, the importance of time perspective development and time competence of students. The article substantiates the relationship of time perspective and professional self-development of personality, the relationship of time competence and full self-realization in the profession. It argues the need for psychological support of students’ professional development during their studies at the university. The authors describe the results of a comparative analysis of akmeogramma of future teachers’ pedagogical growth; the results of ascertaining study of the peculiarities of time perspectives and professional self-determination of senior pupils, and the relationship of time perspectives and professional self-determination. It demonstrates the timeliness and the need for time perspective development, time competence during studies at the university that is effective for further professional and personal self-realization.
Key words time perspective, time competence, professional self-determination, professional self-development, self-realization.
Article information
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Full articleThe Influence of Time Perspective on the Professional Self-Development of Future Teachers