Article name Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Improving the Efficiency of Children with Mental Retardation in Educational and Learning Process of Educational Institutions
Authors Simkin M.L. Candidate of Pedagogiy, Associate Professor,
Lanina E.M. Candidate of Psychology, Assistant,
Bibliographic description
Section Social and Educational Psychology
UDK 159:373.3
Article type
Annotation This article describes the phenomenon which is most pronounced in the case of comparing capabilities of students in the first grade in the general curriculum and children enrolled in the first grade program correction and compensatory education. The author emphasizes the importance of the problem of integration and the education of children with mental retardation in terms of educaorganization of correctional educational work in classes for children with mental retardation. The activity of the institutions that provide educational services to children with various types of mental retardation assessed the possibility of improving the upbringing and education process. The main issues affect the organization of psycho-pedagogical support of students with mental retardation in terms of integration and the state educational standards, improve and regulate the functions of specialists carrying out psychological and educational escorted in correctional processes. The analysis of the results of the study of the education success of children with mental retardation with speech disorders of varying severity, gives the characteristics of the main causes of underachievement, the dependence between the degree of speech, difficulty in intellectual development, the development of higher deficit psychological functions and the level of academic achievement, provide recommendations to improve the effectiveness of remedial work with students grades of compensatory education. The necessity of taking into account the structure of the defect classes students of compensatory education in the process of planning and organizing individual and group educational and educational work is proved, it is resulted in a positive track record of Amendments in the process of psycho-pedagogical correction of secondary abnormalities in the development of younger students with mental retardation.
Key words Mental retardation, correctional and compensatory education, psychological and educational support, remedial work.
Article information
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Full articlePsychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Improving the Efficiency of Children with Mental Retardation in Educational and Learning Process of Educational Institutions