Article |
Article name |
The Features of Future Teacher-Psychologists’ Professional Health Formation |
Authors |
Tsydypova, S.D. Graduate Student, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Social and Educational Psychology |
159.9:378 |
Article type |
Annotation |
In the article the features of future teacher-psychologists’ professional health formation were
studied. The necessity of the professional health definition and its formation in the time of a high
school studying were revealed and proved that the work result to be productive, effective for the
professional self-development. The main conditions of a future teacher-psychologist’s professional
health formation were investigated.The author presents the future psychologist’s professional health
formation through co-organization of main factors and mechanisms of his work. Analysis and systematization
of the co-organization principles of the professional health formation’s components allowed
the author to identify the semantic content of the reorientation of the student’s educational activity
into professional ones. The reorientation’s mechanism is the activation of its subject-reflexive position
with the author system’s formation of the professional self-development.
Key words |
рrofessional health, self-esteem, formation, productive self-esteem, professional
self-development. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Features of Future Teacher-Psychologists’ Professional Health Formation |