Article |
Article name |
Art as a Means of Formation of the Future Teachers’ Readiness to Support the Child’s Talent and Originality |
Authors |
Sergeeva N.Y. Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education |
378.147 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The problem of identification and tracking of gifted children, the formation of the developing environment for
working with them is an important component of modern educational research. The author’s position is based on
the belief that the starting point in problem solving of the effective pedagogical support of talent will be the quality of
preparation of students – future teachers. In this case, the determining factor is not so much theoretical preparation
and students’ mastery of specific methods and techniques, as a special value-semantic content of the educational
process, contributing to the emergence of humanistic attitudes and internal readiness to cooperate with unusual,
non-standard child.
Substantive areas of theoretical and empirical research, the results of which are presented in the article is the
presentation of the art resource as a means of filling of the future teachers training with pedagogical values, meanings,
emotions, expansion in communicative and activity respect.
The article deals with the idea of art and pedagogical support of future teachers’ training, the author presents
the key substantive and meaningful points in terms of pedagogical interaction, requiring the art resource inclusion.
Such as: dominant formation for Person, the world multiplicity realizing and the necessity to take the pedagogical
reality as a whole, personal and professional self-determination, comprehension of pedagogical theory and practice
through the understanding of the phenomena essence, the development of professional and general pedagogical
Key words |
art pedagogy, art and educational support of teacher’s training, skill, talent. |
Article information |
References |
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3. Zinchenko V. P. Psihologicheskaja pedagogika: materialy k kursu lekcij. Ch. 1. Zhivoe znanie.
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Full article | Art as a Means of Formation of the Future Teachers’ Readiness to Support the Child’s Talent and Originality |