Article name Functions of Professional Metacompetence in the System of Foreign Language Teaching at a Higher Educational Institution
Authors Orbodoyeva L.M. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methodology of Teaching Languages
UDK 378.016:811
Article type
Annotation The present article offers an analysis of main foreign language teaching goals at a linguistic universityin the context of reforming higher professional education in Russia. Modern linguistic education focuses on development of students’ intellectual and personal qualities. The author emphasizes the special role of professional metacompetence development in the process of foreign language learning. The role of this competence consists in regulation of internal thought processes and organization of students’ self-activity. The article defines the professional metacompetence structure. The author’s description of personal qualities, abilities, declarative and procedural knowledgeas main components of the professional metacompetence is based on analysis of studies in psychology, cognitive psychology and knowledge management. The interviewwith university linguistic graduates helped to determine the major personal qualities. The author highlights cognitive and metacognitive abilities, adaptability and self-development. Metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive experience which refer to declarative knowledge,can improve students’ cognitive strategies. Procedural knowledge in the structure of metacompetence includes self-control, self-organization, self-reflection and self-assessment. The author comes to conclusion, that professional metacompetence manages students’ intellectual activities. On the assumption of structural components of metacompetence, the author describes the following metacompetence functions: diagnosing, regulating, organizational-executive and controlling function.
Key words linguistic education, metacompetence, competence management
Article information
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