Article name Mobile Technologies as a Means of Preparing of Pedagogical College Students for Professional Problems Solving
Authors Pakhomova T.E. Candidate of Pedagogy, Teacher, masskva_te@mail.ri
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methodology of Teaching Languages
UDK 377
Article type
Annotation The article describes mobile technology as personally oriented technologies and as a basis for the preparation of pedagogical college students for solving of professional problems. The dignities of mobile technologies used in the educational process – ubiquity, accessibility, convenience, instant connection to the Internet, personalization –are disclosed.The forms and methods of implementation of mobile technology in the educational process of open education: access to the Internet; exchange of e-mail; reproduction of sound, text, video, and image files; use of special programs for the platforms of cell phones; organization of training using customized electronic textbooks, courses, and files are described. The results of a survey among students of Chita Pedagogical College enrolled in various courses and specialties to identify opportunities for the use of mobile technology in the learning process and the relationship to these technologies students as future professionals who showed that all students consistently use the phone in college (“it’s always at hand”); the most commonly used functions of a mobile phone: access to the Internet, phone calls, a variety of applications, are described. It is shown the examples of the use of mobile technologies as a means of preparing students for solving of professional problems in the educational process at the Regional Resource Center “ICT in Education” open base on the Chita Pedagogical College. The specific learning activities of using mobile technologies that can be adapted to a variety of topics studied in the framework of the curriculum for the discipline “Foreign Language” for students of the 1st year are described. These learning activities are classified according to the levels of mastering the educational information.
Key words mobile learning, mobile technology, learner-oriented technologies, learning activities, resource center.
Article information
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Full articleMobile Technologies as a Means of Preparing of Pedagogical College Students for Professional Problems Solving