Article name The Role of Gender in Identifying of Foreign Language Learning Strategies Used by Technical University Students
Authors Ryapolova N.V. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methodology of Teaching Languages
UDK 811.111
Article type
Annotation This article deals with the necessity of taking into account the gender characteristics of students’ personality during the process of foreign language teaching in technical universitiesin order to improve the teaching process. In this connection meaningful concretization of the basic, important for the objectives of our research concepts was held: “gender”, “masculinity”, “femininity”, “strategy”. The survey results of students of StaryOskol Technological Institute, which objective was to define masculine/ feminine personality types of students, have shown that lots of high masculine students are educated attechnical faculties, while high feminine students are mainly enrolled at the faculty of economics. In order to prove the fact that students’gender identity determines their individual foreign language learning strategies, we surveyed students of feminine and masculine personality types using R. Oxford questionnaire. The experiments demonstrated that both the students of feminine type, who are enrolledat the faculty of economics, and the high masculine students of technical faculties, havelow rates of memory strategies. Students of feminine typeare more likely to use cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies. This indicates a greater interest in learning of foreign language of high feminine students. Rate of compensatory strategies application is significantly higher among students of masculine type, but degree of affective strategies development was equally low among students of both gender groups. This indicates that students often feel a sense of anxiety in class. Students of feminine type have the highest rate of social strategies application which is connected with the ability to learn with others. The results of the data point to the need for taking into account students’ gender differences and their role in identifying individual foreign language learning strategiesat the technical university.
Key words gender, gender approach, gender characteristic of personality, gender identity, foreign language learning strategies.
Article information
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Full articleThe Role of Gender in Identifying of Foreign Language Learning Strategies Used by Technical University Students