Article name The Model of Interdisciplinary Practical Course on Physics and Features of its Implementation in Future Specialists’ Preparation of Railway Transport
Authors Desnenko S.I. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Rogalev A.V. Teacher,
Bibliographic description
UDK 53:377
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to one of the urgent problems of vocational education at the present stage – the creation of interdisciplinary courses that form the basis of professional modules in accordance with FSES SPE. The article presents a model of interdisciplinary workshop on physics, reflecting the specific of content and structure of the professionally oriented technical laboratory work, criteria for selection of laboratory work content and training and methodological support of practical course. We consider the specific of content and structure of the laboratory work, including the fundamental component and professionally oriented technical component. The authors’ classification of professionally oriented issues as a basis for the professionally oriented technical component of practical course is given. This article contains the examples of professionally oriented issues, and its consideration is possible within the meaning of the interdisciplinary practical course on physics. The conditions of the implementation of the interdisciplinary practical course on physics as a special means for the development of technical thinking of future specialists of railway transport are disclosed.
Key words inter disciplinary workshop on the physics, model of laboratory workshop on physics, professionally oriented issues, professional activity, technical thinking.
Article information
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Full articleThe Model of Interdisciplinary Practical Course on Physics and Features of its Implementation in Future Specialists’ Preparation of Railway Transport