Article name Some Study Methods of the Topic “Capacitors”
Authors Djakova E.A. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Kholodova S.N. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description
UDK 53
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the teaching peculiarities of the subject “Condensers”, which is taught to the students and pupils (optionally); the author recommends the input of the concept “condensing force”; it is offered to rely on comparison of thermal capacity and electric capacitance that promotes the best learning of material. The analysis of processes in the conductor, then in flat and spherical condensers depending on parameters of the environment, connection, etc. was carried out. Features of subject studying according to modern requirements are described and the following was done: comparison of traditional and modern methods and techniques at lecture, practical classes, in independent work; some processing methods of the organization of students’ activity with the considered material are shown; possibilities of motivation by professional activity; support on materials of total testing at school. As an example the author shows how to motivate students on deeper understanding of studied material attracting them to work with pupils of Physical school as a part of higher education institution; one of the options of such work – the organization of joint research activity with pupils is described. The understanding of physical processes in the electric condensers, being of great practical importance, allows deeply understand the peculiarities of their work.
Key words study, understanding of material, difficulty, physical experiment, physical processes in the capacitors, electrical capacitance, potential, methods of teaching, independent work, elective.
Article information
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Full articleSome Study Methods of the Topic “Capacitors”