Article name Formation of Pupils’ Analytic-Synthetic Activity while Algebra Studying in the Context of Summer Professionally-Oriented School
Authors Kazachek N.A. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Epova E.V. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 373.545
Article type
Annotation The concept of mathematics education development in the Russian Federation determined new ways of mathematical training at all levels of education. As a long-term experience shows, summer professionally-oriented schools are an effective form to promote mathematics education and additional mathematics education of school children. Learning in these schools allows deepening and broadening mathematical knowledge and skills which were acquired and formed at mathematics lessons in secondary schools. Federal education standards of secondary education define three groups of requirements: to the formulation of education goals as planned results of students; to the structure of the basic educational program and the conditions for its implementation. The criteria of mastering the educational program are personal, subject and a meta-subject results. To achieve these results it is necessary to form skills of active and independent learning activities which are based on a variety of mental acts and operations. Such mental acts as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and abstraction form a complex analyticsynthetic activity. The analytic-synthetic activity is the basis of all learning processes. According to teaching experience, an effective way to form the analytic-synthetic activity is studying of algebra. The authors present a model of the analytic-synthetic activity when algebra is studied in summer professionallyoriented schools. The article contains a list of content components, which are useful for the formation of the analyticsynthetic activity of school children when they studyalgebra. The information given in the article was tested in the summer physical-mathematical schools of Transbaikal Region.
Key words analytic-synthetic activity, analysis, synthesis, mathematics education, algebra, school children.
Article information
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Full articleFormation of Pupils’ Analytic-Synthetic Activity while Algebra Studying in the Context of Summer Professionally-Oriented School