Article name The State of the Problems of Historical and Biographical Material Disclosure through the Project Activities and their Possible Solutions
Authors Sadykova M.A. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
UDK 372.853
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the problems associated with the necessity to appeal to the person and work of the great scientists in creating at students the modern ideas about the physics of culture as an element in the implementation of project activities using information and communication technologies. Basis of the issues are personal, substantive and trans disciplinarity requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for studying the results of mastering the basic educational program in physics and ascertaining the results of an experiment conducted in schools in several cities of Russia: Kurgan, Chita, Yekaterinburg. The analysis is a generalization and specification of the empirical data. The article presents the content of questionnaires for students of the 7th, 9th and 11th grades and questionnaires for teachers. The possible approaches to solving problems are suggested in this article. A classification of the students’ projects on the material of historical and biographical nature, using information and communication technologies in terms of the nature and ongoing research is given in the article. There are examples of the developing potential of historical and biographical component of the content of science students in project work in physics, using information and communication technologies.
Key words project activities schoolchildren, historical and biographical component of physical science, information and communication technologies.
Article information
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Full articleThe State of the Problems of Historical and Biographical Material Disclosure through the Project Activities and their Possible Solutions