Article name The Bureya River as Botanical and Geographical Boundary of Distribution on the Example of Pinus Koraiensis Siebold et Zucc. (Pinaceae)
Authors Volkov E.V. Postgraduate student,
Bibliographic description
Section Botany
UDK 630*181.1 (571.61)
Article type
Annotation The article presents the analysis of data collected by XIX–XX century explorers concerning distribution of Pinus koraiensis Siebold et Zucc. on the territory of the Amur region and the northwestern border of its spreading area. Most of the authorssupport that the spreading of Pinus koraiensis is limited by the left bank of the Bureya river or the watershed between the rivers Bureya and Arkhara, pointing out that the species did not use to grow on the right bank of the Bureya river earlier, which is supported by pollen analysis. The article brings up the author’s data on the distribution of this species on the right bank of the Bureya river with a detailed description of ecology and cartographic materials.The northwestern border of Pinus koraiensis spreading area within the Amur region is clarified. The suggestion that the Bureya Riveris a botanic and geographic boundary of the species is confirmed, in spite of the fact that the Korean pine is discovered at the northwestern spreading limit repeatedly.It is demonstrated that the expansion of Pinus koraiensi shabitat to northwest will be stopped due to Bureyskoye and Nizhne- Bureyskoye reservoirs being filled. Frequent fires destroy Pinus koraiensis saplings, and new nuts are practically excluded from the area because there are no seed trees on the right bank of the river. Measures for conservation of the species taking into account the existing Bureyskoye reservoir and Nizhne-Bureyskjye reservoir which is under construction.
Key words Floristic findings, Amur region, Russian Far East, species ecology.
Article information
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Full articleThe Bureya River as Botanical and Geographical Boundary of Distribution on the Example of Pinus Koraiensis Siebold et Zucc. (Pinaceae)