Article name Flora of Muraviovky Park Territory
Authors Darman G.F. Researcher,
Bibliographic description
Section Botany
UDK 581.91
Article type
Annotation Muraviovky Park for Sustainable Land Use (Muraviovky Park) is an unique protected area and environmental education center not only for local inhabitants but also for schoolchildren of Amur Region and neighboring regions. The one of the Muraviovka park’s major goal is conservation of nature territory, rare and Red Data book plant species. According to the results of flora’s inventory, 39 new species of higher vascular plants were found on the territory of Muraviovka park in 2006–2014. Also there are 33 Red Data book species in spite of permanent anthropogenic impact, and 13 rare species were planted there additionally. For the first time the taxonomic, ecological-coenotic and geographical analysis of the flora Muraviovka park were conducted in comparison with the flora of the Amur Region. Taxonomic analysis allows trace family-species and generic spectrums of Muraviovka park flora. Analysis of floristic complexes (ecological-coenotic groups) revealed predominance of meadow-floodplain vegetation with a lot of forest and steppe species. Muraviovka park flora analysis by geographical elements found out predominance of East-Asiatic element which is closely related with geographical location of the territory.
Key words vascular plants, endangered species, taxonomic, ecological, geographical analysis of the flora, Amur region, Zeya-Bureya plain.
Article information
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Full articleFlora of Muraviovky Park Territory