Article name Node Structure of Some Species of the Genera Salsola L. and Anabasis L. (Chenopodiaceae) and Significance of this Characteristic for Systematics
Authors Popova O.A. Doctor of Science (Biology), professor of the department biology and methods of teaching biology,
Bibliographic description
Section Botany
UDK 581.8
Article type
Annotation The scheme of evolutionary development of the genus Salsola L. and Anabasis L. (Chenopodiaceae) based on morphological, geographic-morphological data introduced by V. P. Bochantsev most probably reflects the actual process of evolutionary development of the genera Salsola and Anabasis. Use of anatomical method (node anatomy) gives additional data for systematics of species of the genera Salsolaand Anabasis. All studied species of the genera Salsola (section Caroxylon – S. nitraria Pall., S. orientalis S.G. Gmel.; section Coccosalsola – S. foliosa (L.) Sckrad; section Arbuscula – S. arbuscula Pall.; section Salsola – S. paulseni Litv.) and Anabasis (section Brachylepis – A. salsa (C.A.M.) Benth; section Euanabasis – A. aphylla L.) have unilacunar solid -fascicular node type and differ from each other in length of the leaf traces. When evolution of the genus Salsola is analyzed, one can notice that the evolution shows the decrease in length of the leaf traces: section Caroxylon (S. orientalis) has five internodes section Arbuscula (S. arbuscula) has four internodes section Salsola (S. paulseni) has two internodes. In the scheme studied, section Caroxylon is the basic one for other sections of the genus Salsola. The species of the genus Anabasis are more absolute as compared with the species of the genus Salsola. The leaf trace of this genus species has one internode and is formed by merging of seven fascicles. Along with the absolute characteristics in the node structure of the genus Anabasis species, there are also some primitive characteristics (leaf fascicles don’t immediately merge but form an independent internode).
Key words Salsola, Anabasis, Chenopodiaceae, node anatomy, comparative anatomy.
Article information
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Full articleNode Structure of Some Species of the Genera Salsola L. and Anabasis L. (Chenopodiaceae) and Significance of this Characteristic for Systematics