Article name The Amur Sleeper in the Nerchinsk Water Storage (the Shilka Basin)
Authors Gorlachyova Y.P. Candidate of Science (Biology), senior research assistant,
Sokolov S.G. Candidate of Biology, senior researcher,
Gorlachev V.P. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Ecology
UDK 597.2/5
Article type
Annotation The Amur sleeper was first found in the Upper-Amur basin in the middle of the 90s of the 20th century. Fast invasive proliferation of this species habitat has taken place in recent years. In the paper, length-weight development of the Amur sleeper was estimated as well as its feeding, fodder relationships and the parasite fauna in the Nerchinsk water storage tank, created on the initiative and with financial assistance of the head of the local farm V. M. Maltsev The growth of the Amur sleeper in the water storage basin is not regular. Weight increase of this species within the range of 6–12 cm occurs faster than in case with bigger species. When the length reaches 10–12 cm its further increase slows down. As to its feeding type the Amur sleeper is classed as euryphagous. Its fodder contains mostly chironomids maggots, ¼ of it is made up of young Amur sleepers, and it is also represented by zooplankton in the form of small cladocereans. Despite a considerable number of crucian carp in the given water storage tank there is no strained food relationship between the crucian carp and the Amur sleeper as basic food of the former is detritus. The Amur Sleeper from the Nerchinsk water storage tank carries five types of parasites two of which are specific for it. Parasite content of all these types is not too large. Intensity of infection is 1–5 samples; frequency of occurrence is 5–55 %. The makeup of fish parasites in the researched water tank makes it possible to assume that the initial species of the local population originate from the species of the native part of the habitat.
Key words rotan, Nerchinsky reservoir Verhneamursky basin, growth, nutrition, euryphage, parasites, intensity of infection, native habitat.
Article information
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Full articleThe Amur Sleeper in the Nerchinsk Water Storage (the Shilka Basin)