Article |
Article name |
Management Plan for the River Basin as an Institutional Mechanism to Preserve Water Resources and Biodiversity |
Authors |
Kochneva N.S. Researcher, natashakochneva@gmail.comVoropaeva T.V. senior lecturer department of ecology and ecological education, tvvoropaeva@mail.ruShustova I.V. Graduate Student, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Ecology |
502: 574 (571.54/55) |
Article type |
Annotation |
In this paper the management plan for the River Khilok model basin (Zabaikalsky Krai), which
is located in the Lake Baikal Basin, is proposed. The management plan is based on the assessment
of the current condition of natural and natural-anthropogenic ecosystems, and analysis of the
experience of the modern state of basin management.
The management plan for the model River basin consists of the following areas:
– improvement of the quality of the environment (especially natural water);
– improvement of the economic infrastructure of water use;
– introduction of the sustainable land use;
– regulation of the structure of natural resources use in the territory of Ivan-Arakhley state
natural park;
– improvement of methods for the direct protection of wildlife;
– greening of public consciousness.
Affiliation of the considered the River Khilok model basin to the Baikal natural area defines
the specific land use conditions and the need for a coherent strategy for the overall environmental
management and governance arrangements. The necessity integration of environmental component
to the documents of spatial planning for the River Khilok model basin is proved in this paper.
Key words |
Baikal natural area, river basin, protected areas, a set of management measures |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Management Plan for the River Basin as an Institutional Mechanism to Preserve Water Resources and Biodiversity |