Article name Long-Term Monitoring Is the Basis of Forest Management Strategies in the Conditions of Development of Hydropower Resources of the Amur Region
Authors Starchenko V.M. Doctor of Science (Biology), associate professor, chief of the Laboratory of Botany, Botanical Garden-Institute,
Borisova I.G. Candidate of Science (Geography), associate professor, senior research assistant,
Darman G.F. Researcher,
Bibliographic description
Section Ecology
UDK 581.5 : 574
Article type
Annotation The necessity of long-term environmental monitoring (including the monitoring of forest vegetation) is demonstrated in relation to the problems of intensive deployment of the Bureya River hydropower resources (construction of the Bureya HPP cascade with the respective reservoirs), that exerts a negative impact on vegetation causing its wide-ranging transformation. A detailed description of the vegetation within the area of the Lower Bureya HPP influence is provided, with the designation of the areas occupied by different types of vegetation (boreal forest, nemoral forest, meadow and bottomland, intrazonal, disturbed). It is shown that the steppe coenoses, nemoral (interfluvial and bottomland broad-leaved forests), and meadow vegetation areas would be the most affected after the construction of the Lower Bureya HPP water storage. Approaches and methods of long-term monitoring of forest vegetation within the area of direct and indirect influence of the constructing Lower Bureya HPP are discussed, taking into account the regional environmental features. Established sample plots are described, including their exact boundaries ascertained by GPS technology, the schemes of trees (dead and alive) layout, and the tree-stand composition diagrams showing the trees girth. It is demonstrated that the data obtained in the long-term environmental monitoring process will allow to assess an effect of the HPP on forest coenoses and to predict the probable transformations of comparable forest coenoses, that gives an opportunity to create guides to forest managers for the establishing and conducting measures aimed at the diminishing and possible compensation of the negative effect on the forest resources within the area of the Lower Bureya HPP influence.
Key words Bureya, Nizhnebureiskaya HPP, Far East Russia, permanent geo-botanical area, ecology, higher plants, forest vegetation
Article information
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Full articleLong-Term Monitoring Is the Basis of Forest Management Strategies in the Conditions of Development of Hydropower Resources of the Amur Region