Article name Dinamicsof Steppe Fires Areas in the South of Dauria in the First Decade of the XXI Century
Authors Tkachuk T.E. Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor, Daursky Nature Reserve,
Bibliographic description
Section Ecology
UDK 504
Article type
Annotation Dauria is a region with great area of incult steppe of great value for global biodiversity conservancy. Steppe fires are among serious threats for nature ecosystems of this region. The multiyear dynamics of steppe fires since 2000 to 2010 was studied on the example of Ononsky and Borzinsky districts of ZabaikalskyKrai. We used GIS data based on ModisTerra satellite imagery. Fires in Dauria have anthropogenic origin but are very slightly controlled in this area. Climate conditions (dry spring with strong winds, very small precipitation in winter) favor the fire expansion at vast territories. During the decade of 2000–2010, steppe fires had treated more the 120 % of the area of two southern districts of ZabaikalskyKrai, so some areas were burned more than once during the decade. In the south of Dauria steppe fires have clear seasonal character with peak in dry and windy spring. Multi-year fluctuation of burned area is more than 20 times. The area that is burned during a year depends on precipitation in spring, in summer of previous year and on amount of snow. The period of 2000–2010 coincides with dry stage of 30-year climate cycle. Slight increase of precipitation and slight decrease of annual burned area are observed during this period.
Key words Dauria, steppes, steppe fires, natural factors, multi-year dynamics.
Article information
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Full articleDinamicsof Steppe Fires Areas in the South of Dauria in the First Decade of the XXI Century