Article name Geographical Features of Evolution of Gastronomic Cultures of Russia
Authors Gladky Y.N. Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Education,
Kornekova S.Y. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Geography
UDK 130.2
Article type
Annotation National cuisine of Russia undergo serious changes under the strong pressure of Western and Oriental cuisines. A special role in the expansion of culinary innovations play a multinational food trade network type McDonalds or Pizza Hut. Trading networks serve as a reflection and symbol of the globalization of the sphere food that widely promotes the implementation of the uniform principles of nutrition. The latter are reduced to “economy”, “hygiene”, “nutrition value”, etc. The question of how to evaluate the observed trend towards convergence of national food cultures in Russia is set – positively or negatively? The authors believe that the following reasonable criteria a balanced diet, partial cultural unification of gastronomic cultures of no danger. The danger is forced homogenization of global culinary space, which is the global trade of food networks. It is emphasized that connect Russia to the global mechanism of economic cooperation can carry a real threat to the country’s food security as a global trade network are owned extraterritorial transnational oligarchy. The latter are less interested in promoting ethnic and regional food recipes, because they contradict their desire to defend its status as a “universal” power supply “universal consumers”. It is emphasized that the network of shops still covered less than half the territory of the Russian Federation is predominantly urbanized zone. Therefore, the majority of regions the loss of old culinary traditions is not threatened in the coming years.
Key words national cuisine, diet, culinary requests, retail food and food network, cultural unification in the sphere of power.
Article information
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Full articleGeographical Features of Evolution of Gastronomic Cultures of Russia