Article name Cross-Border Radial Concentric Zoning of Zabaikalsky Krai in Terms of Municipal Districts as Contact Links of Transport-Settler Structures
Authors Novikov A.N. Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Geography
UDK 911.3
Article type
Annotation In the condition of increasing of the Russian eastern vector of cross-border cooperation, theeconomic and geographic expert of readiness of Asian border subjects act as border contact links becomes relevant. Asian border regions act as the border entry points. Municipal districts of Zabaikalsky Krai are under theinfluence of itsfrontierposition with Mongolia and China, acting as contactpoints of the processof cross-bordercooperation.Typologiesof municipal districts, ascontactpoints, according to the number of features,make it possible tocombine theminto groups due to theirhomogeneousfeatures: by the territory sizeand theirconfigurationsregarding borders junction; by the nature ofborderspermeability (in-line or frontal), by the predominance of steppe, forest-steppeandtaiga landscapes; by the characterization of densityof transport-settler structures. Incartographicterms, thesegroups coincideon the boundariesand are expressedin the form ofborder arcuatealternating from the eastjunction of the bordersof Russia, Mongoliaand Chinazones, thejunction of the bordersof the three countriesactsas a starting pointin the borderradial-concentric differentiation of nature characteristics, population, economy andadministrative-territorial divisionof ZabaikalskyKrai. Separated areas are border entry points, which have varying degrees of readiness to ensure cross-border cooperation. The level of zone readinessis decreasedaccording to their distance from the junction of the borders of the three countries.
Key words geographical boundaries, geography, Zabaikalsky Krai, China, contact points, Mongolia, municipal districts, cross-border position, trans-boundedness.
Article information
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Full articleCross-Border Radial Concentric Zoning of Zabaikalsky Krai in Terms of Municipal Districts as Contact Links of Transport-Settler Structures