Article name Toreyand East-Torey Basins (Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Paleoreconstruction)
Authors Sinitsa S.M. Doctor of Geology and Minerology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Geography
UDK 551.75
Article type
Annotation The UpperMesozoic deposits of the basins were stripped with wells. Rocky outcrop of effusions with horizons of terrigenous rocks along the northern margins of lakes is known only for the Torey basin. This section and the section of well 2 are adopted by the author as the key ones for the Upper Mesozoic of the basin. The remains of gastropods, ostracods, insects and fish of Turga complex were found by the author in terrigenous rocks. Specific conchostraca-Defretiniya which are the characteristic of Ust-Kara transitional horizon between the Unda-Daya Late Jurassic and the Turga Jurassic-Cretaceous complexes together with the representatives of the Turga species were found at the bottoms of the section. This fact allowed author to divide the section of Upper Mesozoic of he Torey basin into the Ust-Kara transitional horizon (Late Jurassic; layers with Defretiniya) and the Turga suite (late Jurassic – early Cretaceous; layers with bairdesteria and lykoptera). The author made the reconstruction of shallow short-lived waters on nappes during the decay and cessation of eruptions. The Upper Mesozoic of the East-Torey basin is stripped of effusive flows and in the east of the basin is presented by proluvialred-colored psephites, whichfacilely replace lacustrine finely detrital sediments of the central parts of the basin. Gastropods and ostracoda are dominated among the organic remains. Myarians, insects, conchostraca, fish and plants of the Turga complexes (late Jurassic – early Cretaceous) are rare. The author also made the reconstruction of large ground pluvial talus fans in the east of the basin and a shallow lake in the fan zone in the west of the basin.
Key words Upper Mesozoic, the Torey basins, the Ust-Kara transitional horizon, layers with defretiniya, the Turga suite, layers with bairdesteria and lykoptera.
Article information
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Full articleToreyand East-Torey Basins (Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Paleoreconstruction)