Annotation |
The article discusses aspects of the competitiveness of scientific and educational systems of
different levels in the conditions of globalization and regionalization. General conception of competitiveness
for scientific and educational spheres is being formed. Motivation to work was the attempt
to realize the competitive advantage of a number of Russian universities through the program «5-
100». The results of the first years of its implementation do not provide any grounds for optimism,
though there is some progress. However, there remains the unsolved problem of effectiveness of the
already established Federal and regional educational systems (clusters), especially in the conditions
of degradation of the Russian economy and the possibilities of potential growth. They are the tasks of
infrastructure and support of the territorial systems and should play a great role in the mega-, mesoand
micro- regional development. For this purpose first of all, it is necessary to learn at Federal and
regional levels how to embed them in the implementation of state and regional programs. This is a
problem of strategic choice of the country and regions. The author raises a question of the necessity
of development such model (models) of regional scientific-educational systems. Her decision to the
author sees through the establishment of effective clusters in the system production – education-science-
innovation/science-business state. Last helps to mitigate one of the major problems of modern
Russia – the huge disparities in socio-economic development of the center and the periphery.
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