Article name The Correlation Relationship and Gender Characteristics of Attention
Authors Yadrishchenskaya T.V. Сandidate of Biology, Associate Professor, Dean,
Bibliographic description
UDK 612.821
Article type
Annotation Assessment of the interoperability characteristics of attention with various psychophysiological indicators showed relative independence properties, such as resistance and concentration.Values in the average time of simple Visual reaction and a standard deviation of response time were more significant in terms of the interaction of psychophysiological indices when testing using a hardware software complex “NS-PsihoTest”. The increase of the values of these variables was significantly correlated with qualitative deterioration of the criteria that reflect the functional condition of the nervous system: functional level system (FUS), level of functionality (UFS) and the sustainability of the response (SR), as well as a larger number of errors to be surveyed, assessed at a rate of Whipple’s accuracy. Correlation relationship of psychophysiological indices were separately discussed in groups of girls and boys that revealed small gender, to in strengthening the interaction of quantitative characteristics of attention on the one hand, and for psychophysiological characteristics of speed, accuracy, the functional state of the nervous system, on the other. In a group of girls had been found only close interaction of average response times to its dispersion during the time of testing. Developed gender differences were observed only in relation to reaction time, which was significantly less in the men’s group in our research.
Key words correlation ratios, resistance and concentration, psychophysiological indicators, gender features, hardware software complex “NS-Psycho-Test”.
Article information
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