Article name On Dynamism of Language Processes in the Modern Russian Prose
Authors Akhmetova G.D. Doctor of Philology,
Bibliographic description
Section Russian Philology
UDK 882
Article type
Annotation In this article reveals the actual problem connected with the analysis of the modern language processes happening in the Russian prose. Dynamism of language processes is caused by understanding of the text as dynamic phenomenon. Scientific novelty of research is defined not only obscurity presented material, but also and considerable interest of philologists in a problem of language of modern prose. It is possible to speak about some results in studying of language processes. The works of the author of research appearing in recent years devoted to studying of the live literary text, language space of the text allow to present a language picture of modern prose. In this research S. N. Yesin’s novel “Hurghada” is analyzed. The language processes presented and analysed on novel material characterize language space of modern prose. Among these processes it is possible to call anthropocentrism of metaphorical definitions, word-formation explosion, the comparison use as text component, intertext interaction, etc. But each new work is also reflection of creative style of the writer. For creative style of S. N. Yesin so-called “romannost”, “literariness” of a narration, humour is characteristic. In respect of the contents novels of the writer are characterized by a variety of the chosen subjects. The appeal in the novel “Hurghada” to a subject of new middle class, allowed the writer to present not only vital space of this social group, but also its language space. It is possible to draw a conclusion that language traditions and language processes are two parties of uniform process, they interact with each other and promote dynamic development of the Russian literature.
Key words text, dynamic language processes, language traditions of realism, language space, S. N. Yesin, modern Russian prose.
Article information
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Full articleOn Dynamism of Language Processes in the Modern Russian Prose