Article |
Article name |
Foreign Elements in Prose and Poetry |
Authors |
Kolomeytseva E.B. Senior Teacher, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
World Philology |
81’38, 81’42 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article deals with the phonetic, graphic, grammatical, lexical and semantic peculiarities
of foreign elements functioning. Any inclusion in fiction acquires a number of additional
peculiarities derived from the character of the text and the degree of their assimilation. They
are illustrated with the examples and classified. In the article “embedded foreign elements”
are a number of units which show structural heterogeneity in the text. They are surrounded
with the units of foreign language. Based on 5 prosaic and 50 poetic texts of different bilingual
authors, who write in English, the examples show that the functioning of foreign elements
from various languages in prose and poetry differs according to the range of peculiarities.
There are selected contemporary works by authors who mainly describe other cultures.
In prose foreign elements are assimilated on different levels more than in poetry. Moreover,
foreign elements in prose are not limited in their length. Foreign elements in poetry are retranslated
“as they are”, then assimilated. Foreign elements are analyzed in order to find
lexical and semantic oppositions. One more peculiarity of foreign elements in prose is the
opportunity of lacuna foreign elements’ classification according to their subject areas. In such
way embedded foreign elements in prose and poetry differ in their functioning.
Key words |
foreign elements, text, assimilation, phonetic and graphic level, grammatical
level, lexical and semantic level. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Foreign Elements in Prose and Poetry |