Article |
Article name |
Reader Comment in the Online Version of the Newspaper as Metatext (Based on Publications of the German Tabloid \"Bild\") |
Authors |
Misonzhnikov B.Y. Doctor of Philology, Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
81’42 |
Article type |
Annotation |
In the article we talk about that in connection with the development of multimedia systems
and the emergence of the network version of paper publications was widely used form of
reader comments, which were not there before. The texts in the reader’s performances recreate
powerful meta-textual space, rich in important semantics: on the one hand, they have
their own significance, and on the other, complement and explain many of the provisions of
the original text material. The recipient now has acquired the status of a user’s multimedia
system, as the magazine’s staff, received even guaranteed an area for his speech. The
article assesses this unique phenomena, investigates readers’ comments published in the
biggest German tabloid publication Bild. Moreover, there is an analysis of the readers’ texts
in relation to their socio-political position, which is expressed through their statements in the
paper; the attention is paid to the methodology of using lexical material. Readers’ statements
are to a certain extent replicopy character and are clearly expressed intentionally. They are
easily built into the system, forming a single, although formally and mosaic discourse, which
becomes contranym element in relation to the original, provocative polemic text.
Key words |
tabloid, media text, comment, discourse, remark, reader. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Reader Comment in the Online Version of the Newspaper as Metatext (Based on Publications of the German Tabloid \"Bild\") |