Article name On the Burial and Memorization of the Buryat Buddhist Clergy
Authors Zhambalova S.G. Doctor of History, associate professor,
Suvorova A.S. graduate student,
Bibliographic description
Section Oriental Studies
UDK 391/393 (571. 5)
Article type
Annotation The article considers specificity of funeral rites of Buddhist priests (lamas) in Buryatia from the middle of the XIX century to the present time. This specificity is known to be stereotypical and the processes of transformation have not been witnessed. Two types of burials have been identified: cremation and clay burial (inhumation) in a special box in a meditation pose for monks who had the secret knowledge. The facts of using lamas’ ashes in the manufacture of tsa-tsa (Buddhist religious objects, symbols of the cosmic body of Buddha) confirm that lamas have been treated as one of three jewels of Buddhism. Evidences of exhumations of lamas’ graves of the Soviet period for their subsequent cremations in the post Soviet era according to lamas’ wills have been found. And in case of bodies’ incorruptibility they were placed in datsans as Buddhist objects of veneration. The hypothesis is that Lamas anticipated revival of Buddhism as a result of the collapse of the Soviet regime. Delayed in time memorization of prominent Lamas of the Soviet era in memorials (Buddhist stupas) as jewels has been detected. The study concludes that the facts of stereotypical burial of Lamas and their subsequent memorization play an important role in formation of ethnic and religious identity of society and individual, creating historical memory, historical image of the homeland. Establishment of such memorials is one of the new faces of contemporary ethnic processes in the post-Soviet Buryat Buddhist society.
Key words Buryats, Buddhist clergy, funeral rites, cremation, inhumation, exhumation, memorization.
Article information
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Full articleOn the Burial and Memorization of the Buryat Buddhist Clergy