Article name The Category of Case in the Language of Chronicle “Khori-Buryats Written in Ačaγad”
Authors Zhamsoyev A.D. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Oriental Studies
UDK 811.512
Article type
Annotation This article is devoted to the problem of the studying the language of the Buryats’ written monuments in the Old Mongolian language. This article will discuss the cases in text of the \\\"Chronicle on khori-buryats written in Ačaγad\\\". This chronicle was written at the beginning of the XX century by unknown Buryat author. The research has revealed that affixes \\\"-giin\\\" and \\\"-tay=a/-tey=e\\\" are phenomenon of the colloquial khori-buryat dialect. Also it was find out that old forms of dative-locative case -dur/-tur are used less, as so form of comitative case -luγ=a/-lüge uses significantly less than forms with affixes -tai/-tei. The text of chronicle also reveals the preservation of \\\"unstable n\\\" when using the forms of instrumental case -bar/-ber and -iyar/-iyer, in contrast to the modern Buryat language. Use was made of the following sources and materials: transliterated text of the chronicle, texts of Khori-Buryat songs of the second half of the XX century and materials from the study of colloquial khori-buryat speech, produced by A. Rudnev in 1905. In general the text of the chronicle written in accordance with the rules of the classical Mongolian language, but at the same time, there are many deviations under the influence of colloquial Buryat language.
Key words language of Buryat written monuments, cases, declension, Old Mongolianlanguage, colloquial buryat, written monuments.
Article information
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Full articleThe Category of Case in the Language of Chronicle “Khori-Buryats Written in Ačaγad”