Article name Anthroponomical Isoglosses in the Mongolian Languages
Authors Lamozhapova I.A. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Oriental Studies
UDK 811.51.512.3
Article type
Annotation The article is dedicated to definition of anthroponomical isoglosses in the Mongolic languages. The comprehensive methodological basis (an analysis of extra-linguistic bases of formation of personal names’ system), based on the anthroponymycon of the Buryat, Mongolian, Kalmyk languages, allowed to find out zones. The material of research is the anthroponomical space represented in genealogical records of Mongolian-speaking people. There are 4 anthroponomical zones (areas, isoglosses) in the Mongolic languages: I. The area where during many centuries Buddhism is confessed. This zone is represented by the anthroponomical system of Mongols themselves, Buryats of Mongolia, Mongols of Mongoljin aimag (on the border of China and Mongolia), the system of personal names of Selenga Buryats, Khori Buryats, Barguzin Burayts. II. The area (zone) of short-term spread of Buddhism school- anthroponym of Alar Buryats, Bokhan Buryats of Irkutsk area. The anthroponymicon of Buryats who live in the area of Sayan Mountains can be also referred to this zone. III. the Kalmyk anthroponym can be described as a peculiar system of original personal names and forms of names with Buddhism background. IV. The zone where the motivation to give names is based on Shamanism and also is based on Christianity – that is the territory of Buryats’ residence in Irkutsk area except that Buryats who were denoted in the second zone.
Key words anthroponym, Mongolic languages, isoglosses, extralinguistic factors, Buddhism.
Article information
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