Article name Monographic Research by E. V. Demichev on Industry and Construction Management Reform in 1957–1965
Authors Mertsalov V.I. Doctor of History, Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 930
Article type
Annotation The paper studies methodological, theoretical, historic-graphical basics, characteristics of achieve recourses and actual data by E. V. Demichev’s “Industry and construction management reform of 1957–1965 in the context of the specifics of National history” published by ROSSPEN publishers in 2011. The degree of E. V. Demichev’s personal independence as a researcher is assessed. The treatise analysis reveals that his book contains extensive plagiarism on the issue of the origin and development of the Soviet national reform and that its concrete historical part based on the data of the Soviet councils of national economy in Moscow region and the region of the Southern Urals is fragmentary, contains lots of illustrative materials and lacks actual data. The central chapter of the treatise “Implementation of the reform in the Moscow region and Southern Urals” is based on the confusion of notions “implementation” and “activity”. The author uses them in their commonsense, which displays primitive character of his research while scientific conclusions and integrated data concerning the regions under study are missing. The chapter presenting concrete historical materials and the one dealing with the philosophy of history belong to different social sciences, in the work of E. V. Demichev appear to be an eclectic combination and none of them is adequately completed. All this, together with extensive plagiarism on the declared issue of origin, evolution and results of the Soviet national economy reform, reveals that the author has no grounds to claim that he makes independent conclusions pertaining to all-Russian and Soviet levels. The given paper concludes that E. V. Demichev’s work does not possess actual qualities of an integral concrete historical research.
Key words Soviet national reform of 1957–1965, historiography, methodology, theory, achieve recourses, E. V. Demichev’s and V. I. Mertsalov’s studies, plagiarism.
Article information
References 1. Demichev E. V. Reforma upravleniya promyshlennost’yu i stroitel’stvom 1957–1965 gg. v kontekste spetsifiki Otechestvennoi istorii. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: ROSSPEN, 2011. 295 s. 2. Mertsalov V. I. Reforma upravleniya promyshlennost’yu i stroitel’stvom 1957–1965 gg. (na materialakh Vostochnoi Sibiri): dis. … d-ra ist. nauk: 07.00.02 Irkutsk, 2001. 471 s. 3. Mertsalov V. I. Istoriya sovnarkhozovskoi reformy 1957–1965 gg. v issledovaniyakh E. V. Demicheva // Gumanitarnyi vektor. Ser. «Istoriya. Politologiya». 2014. № 3 (39). S. 152–160.
Full articleMonographic Research by E. V. Demichev on Industry and Construction Management Reform in 1957–1965